Friday, August 04, 2006


More skiing pics!

I took the day off work today to head up to Cardrona with Sam and Kat. They both work weekends so being in the minority I took the day off and we all drove up. Sam's regular car is at the garage with a myriad of things wrong with it, but because he works for a car rental company, he managed to get a cool car to replace it. It's a 4WD Ute and it's huge. Which is a good thing. We left at what seemed like the crack of dawn - 7.30am (and Sam is still complaining about that) and headed up over the Crown Range road to Cardrona. I felt a bit car sick by the time we got to the bottom of the road, the Crown Range road is really windy. The actual road up to the ski fields is about as bad as the Remarkables road.

We picked such a nice day for it. Check out this picture to the left...

The snow was pretty good up there, a wee bit icy in places but much better than the conditions at Coronet Peak. This is our new favourite place to ski.

Here's me making my way down a nice easy run. I made about 7 runs today from the top. Sam scoped out some other runs but I don't think I'm ready for them yet. I just need more confidence on the steeper bits and to gain more speed and turn more. I have a tendency to traverse right across the slope from side to side covering every possible inch of the surface, especially when it's steep.

Here's Kat on her backside. We all came down in a bit of pain today. Sam's knee and toes are hurting for him, Kat's ar$e for her, and me... well, that's a bit embarassing. I haven't quite mastered the art of getting off the ski lift yet. The first time it tried to take me on round and back down with it, the second and third time I nearly decapitated Kat with my poles, and the final time I managed to take out the other two guys who were on the lift with me. I ended up on my side laid across the skis of one of the dudes, and I now have a totally massive bruise on the side of my thigh together with a nice lump and a whole lot of pain. I melted the frozen peas on it when we got home.

So we're all pretty exhausted now, after a really wicked day. It's the weekend now and we haven't really got any plans but we should be going up Coronet Peak for night skiing tomorrow night (Saturday). We'll see. Well, we'll see if our various bruises and lumps and swollen knees and dislocating toes feel like going up at any rate.

Am having a fab time, enjoy the pics.

Hugs to everyone,
Love Sue xxx

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