Thursday, February 23, 2006


On to Maui

Thursday 23 Feb

Well the problem of figuring out what to do yesterday was solved for me. I ended up hung over a toilet for most of the night and day, having eaten something that *really* didn't agree with me. Am still feeling pretty weak, but managed to get myself to Maui today which is *much* drier and sunnier and am just planning to rest up for the next little while as I feel absolutely shattered at the moment. So I ended up seeing the airport, plus the road to Waimea in Kauai and that was about it. I rained pretty much the entire time (except, wouldn't you know it, the day I was sick) - at times I could barely see in front of me and was driving at about half the speed limit. Scary.

So I don't have anything more to add for the moment but will post something much more interesting when I do...

Suz x

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