Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well the weather has turned pretty crap here the last couple of days. So much so that the only sensible thing to really do is something based on the water like rafting or boarding since you're gonna get wet anyway... But when was I sensible huh?

Queenstown is looking like it's a cool place to be if you've got loads of money to burn on adrenaline-stoked stuff, like bungy jumping (possibly back on the cards), water-rafting or -boarding, or paragliding. Day to day it's looking a bit bleak.

The ski season is looking promising. The resorts don't open until about June 10 but I looked out of my dorm windown across the lake this morning and up to the mountains on the other side, and they are all topped with snow! Fingers crossed it keeps coming...

Suz xx

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