Friday, April 14, 2006


Who guessed...?

Update from Wanaka...

This is the second time I've created this post now so I hope I remember what I wrote before..

So my big plan for Thursday was to go skydiving. I'd originally planned to take a helicopter ride up Fox Glacier to see Mounts Tasman and Cook, but realised that for not too much more money I could jump out of a plane too. And it was amazing. Seeing the mountains up close was cool and I got some great pictures (I was allowed to take my camera along on this one rather than paying $x for the privilige). It was a 12,000 feet jump, the same as the one at Lake Taupo, but I was more aware of everything as I knew what to expect. Strangely I was a little more apprehensive for this one, but I still couldn't wait to do it. The company that did it was much more personal than the factory line at Taupo which just made it a better experience. The only downside was that the straps cut into my underarms a wee bit and I now have red marks there - and it's still a bit sore. And I had to adjust my own straps in mid air to make myself more comfortable, rather than the dude behind me loosening a few things and making me drop the longest inch of my life.

In the afternoon, one of the guys from the hostel, Chad, took a few of us out to Gillespie's Bay - while he searched for firewood we played with his dog and had a great time.

We ended up having to stay in Fox another night as we couldn't find any accommodation for Friday night in Wanaka. And it was kinda touch and go whether we could stay in Fox... luckily they had a cancellation, otherwise we would've had to head back to Franz Josef and spend the night there.

Today we've arrived in Wanaka. We plan to spend tomorrow at the airshow and get in lots of drinking time. I'm travelling with an Irish lass called Maggie at the moment so methinks we'll be hitting an Irish pub... It's all great stuff!

So it's all going well with me, how's it going at home? Write with your news, you know my email address.

Suzi xxx

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