Monday, October 23, 2006


House Trip to Wanaka

It dawned on us that we only had a short space of time while all three of us were still here in Queenstown so I took last Friday (20 October) off work to spend the day with Kat and Sam. After umming and aahing for a while we decided on Wanaka as our destination.

We left home at about 9 in the morning, heading out through the Crown Range and over to Wanaka. (Trivia: the Crown Range Road is the highest sealed road in Australasia.) The first thing we did when we got there was to get breakfast - there's a really nice bakery called the Doughbin on the lakefront. Kat and I had pies and pastries (yum - chicken satay) and Sam just had a pastry - claiming it was too early for pie. It's never too early for pie!

After pigging out on pies and pastries we took a few photos (Sam - the man who couldn't run fast enough after setting the timer!) and headed on to our first destination - Puzzling World. I'd been there before with Maggie back at Easter but we'd only done one section of it as we had to make our bus connection to Queenstown.

Sam holding up the Puzzling World sign.

Me and Sam taking a well-earned break after completing the challenging route through the maze. We found all four corners in a set order and then found our way out into the courtyard in the centre. Well almost, we were really tired and needed the loo so headed for the nearest emergency exit sign... I swear it was taking us longer to find the exit than it had to find the first corner!

Kat trying to stand up straight. This is in the wierd room that I couldn't go in last time. The wall that Kat is facing has one of those wierd geometric line thingys on it which made me feel sick. You can see the angle that the floor is on from the way Kat is standing... I made it through this time though, it's really cool!

Kat and Sam in the Lord of the Rings room. See, men are such short arses.

Trying to hold up the Leaning Tower of Wanaka...

Windy woo...

A nice group photo...

For lunch we went back into Wanaka and ate at a cafe along the lakefront.

Then in the afternoon we went to "Have A Shot" - a local shooting range-type place. We each paid $12 for 30 rounds in the air rifle target area. This is where me and dad shooting the rifle at the garage back home paid off. I scored 345, 350 and 400 - beating Kat and Sam who couldn't get above 300! Aftger that we had a round of mini-golf. After a pretty disastrous start we got into the swing of things and I managed to win the game. Sam was not too impressed! Mind you, he had been feeling ill for the last couple days - that's his excuse!

On the way home we stopped at the Cardrona Hotel for some light refreshment...

We did have plans to have a barbecue on the lakefront when we got back to Queenstown but it was after 6 and we figured we wouldn't get the thing going in time as we had plans to go to the Q-Lounge at 8 to meet some people we met while doing Rent a few weeks ago. So we by-passed the barbecue and went home and cooked.

A quick change later and we were in the Q-Lounge. This is a pool hall that we all like going to. Sam made up for his previous losses of the day by consistently winning here. Pete and Jane (from Rent) plus Jane's friend Alanna joined us and we all had a few games and drinks.

At about 11 we decided to move on and Kat and I decided that as we'd never been to the World Bar and had teapots of cocktails we shouldn't miss out and so headed in. Between Kat, Jane, Pete and myself we had 5 teapots.

Well, Kat, Jane and I drank 5 teapots, Pete slurped most of his up from the table - Jane had managed to spill a lot while pouring the drinks and, well, waste not want not, right Pete???

... Is there something Sam and Pete would like to tell us...?

And another nice group photo...

Well, that's it for that day I think... we had an absolute blast... more soon, promise.

Sue xx

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