Monday, January 01, 2007


First day in Singapore

Well wouldn't ya know it, I had the New Year in New Zealand after all! My flight didn't take off until about 10 past midnight so we had a countdown on the plane.

I've finally made it to Singapore, and geez it's muggy here, I didn't realise how it would be. It's 30 degrees and it's raining.

They've given me a visa to stay here for 30 days, but I'm definitely not gonna need that long. After clearing immigration I got stopped by customs - I think because of my backpack - and my bag got x-rayed - I must've looked dodgy. From there I headed down into the MRT system - kinda like the London Underground, only nicer, and got the train out to chinatown where I'm staying at a hostel called the Summer Tavern. So far so good. And they didn't charge me for last night since I'm still saying for the number of days I said I would.

After that, I went down to the Harbour Centre and headed for the cable cars. I took a car up to Mount Faber and had an expensive beer and chicken satay. Then I had to queue for the cable car over to Sentosa Island. I think I queued for about 45 minutes (geez there were a lot of people) and finally twigged that if I paid a little bit extra for a glass bottomed cable car I could get straight on and not queue. Great idea. Except when you come out and you're up really high and you can see through the floor. And except when it stops halfway over the water! It was totally worth it to avoid the queue but was slightly disconcerting!

Anyways, I'm back at the hostel now and have been wearing these clothes for two days and I must reek so I'm off to have a shower and sleep. I'm shattered, as I predicted.

More soon.

Sue x

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