Thursday, August 23, 2007


Wow, where to start!

It's been a pretty long time since I last posted anything, I guess it's a little late to post anything in detail about my travels since February!

In a (rather large) nutshell, I finished up the tour, travelling through Cambodia Vietnam (which wasn't as good as Cambodia), although I did get to fire an AK47 Assault Rifle which was pretty cool. Vietnam beer not the greatest. Saw some pretty horrific images and learnt some pretty nasty stuff, particularly around Phnom Penh (the prison and the killing fields) and Saigon (War Remnants Museum). But the people we met were so nice and open and smiling, it was terrific.

From Hanoi in the north of Vietnam I flew back to Bangkok with a few mates off the tour, and I picked up my bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding.

From there it was an overnight bus down to Koh Tao, an island off the east coast of southern Thailand. I was supposed to learn to scuba dive there but I ended up with a pretty bad chest infection so that was off the cards. It was also amazingly hot which didn't help. Next up was Koh Pha Ngan, home of the famous full moon parties. I stayed at an ok place with a few spiders but met some good people who I went partying with. We ended up on the beach for the Half Moon Afterparty where I dived through a ring of fire and got wrecked on a couple "buckets". Great night, yucky recovery.......

Next was Koh Samui where I just chilled, topping up the tan (which was I have to say, pretty awesome) for the last time before flying back to Singapore for a couple days and then flying home.

I headed up to Suffolk to stay with my friends Austen and Natalie for a couple nights over Easter - this was great, relaxing in the country and taking their dog for a walk. I then bussed it down to Bournemouth to stay with my sister and The Boy (husband to be) for a couple days before surprising mum and dad at Weymouth the day before I was supposed to arrive home. I don't think they were too pleased... but at least it saved dad from getting up at 4am in the morning to pick me up!

Still, at least all went well with the wedding, Tracey looked beautiful and everybody scrubbed up pretty good.

As for now, I'm back in New Zealand, back in Queenstown and loving it. It's actually way better than last year, there's a good crowd of us at work and I've got a couple of cool flatmates... well I did, until they fell out over a boy and now one is moving out and we're getting a new one! The snow is pretty good this year, I've been up skiing a few times and need to get in a lot more runs before the snow disappears! My car is f*****, the mechanics don't seem to know how to fix it but I'm looking out the window over the town and there's pretty much nowhere else I'd rather be right now. I miss home a lot but am gonna try and stay here for a while longer if they'll let me.
So that's my update. Will post more when I have more or more details/pics if anyone wants them.

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